Accommodating Students While Teaching Remotely

The following resources have been curated to assist in providing support to students who are not able to physically attend class.


The dashboard will provide you names of students for whom accommodations will be required. You will also see when students can resume normal class participation.

Vary Due Dates

Students who are not able to attend class in person may need additional time to complete an assignment or take exams. Canvas will allow you to add a due date for a specific student to allow the student additional time. See How do I assign a graded discussion to an individual student? for details. This page outlines how to assign a discussion to a single student and additional students after that, but the same methods would apply for providing alternative due dates for a single student on an assignment or quiz, as well. Leave the "Everyone" due date on the assignment and click on the + button beneath the due date to add the name and different due dates for a specific student. Upon saving, the "Everyone" will change to "Everyone else."

Excused Absence Policy

The university policy for excused absences is found in the General Catalog.


If you have not done so already, you may set up Zoom to allow students to attend class remotely. Please see the Zoom resources on our site for additional information.

Excuse an Assignment in Canvas

You can "excuse" an assignment in the Canvas Gradebook by placing the letters EX in place of points earned. The points possible will not be calculated as part of the final grade and the student will be excused from that assignment.