Syllabus Resources

Faculty may include the following policies and procedures in their class syllabi and are encouraged to share them with their students.

Appropriate Use of Canvas and Other IT Resources

Canvas and all other course technologies are information technology services provided as tools to further the mission of the university. By using these services, users agree to comply with USU Policy 550: Appropriate Use of Computing, Networking, and Information Resources and the accompanying Terms of use for USU IT resources, as well as Article V-3.B.25.c of the USU Student Code. Using course technologies in ways that are inconsistent with the university’s mission or are disruptive will not be tolerated. Disruptive behavior includes any activity that interferes with either the faculty member’s ability to conduct the class or the ability of other students to profit from the instructional program.

Academic Freedom and Professional Responsibilities

Academic freedom is the right to teach, study, discuss, investigate, discover, create, and publish freely. Academic freedom protects the rights of faculty members in teaching and of students in learning. Freedom in research is fundamental to the advancement of truth. Faculty members are entitled to full freedom in teaching, research, and creative activities, subject to the limitations imposed by professional responsibility. USU Policy 403 further defines academic freedom and professional responsibilities.

Academic Integrity - "The Honor System"

The University expects that students and faculty alike maintain the highest standards of academic honesty. The Code of Policies and Procedures for Students at Utah State University (Student Conduct) addresses academic integrity and honesty and notes the following:

Academic Integrity: Students have a responsibility to promote academic integrity at the University by not participating in or facilitating others' participation in any act of academic dishonesty and by reporting all violations or suspected violations of the Academic Integrity Standard to their instructors.

The Honor Pledge: To enhance the learning environment at Utah State University and to develop student academic integrity, each student agrees to the following Honor Pledge: "I pledge, on my honor, to conduct myself with the foremost level of academic integrity". Violations of the Academic Integrity Standard (academic violations) include, but are not limited to cheating, falsification, and plagiarism.


Plagiarism includes knowingly "representing by paraphrase or direct quotation, the published or unpublished work of another person as one's own in any academic exercise or activity without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials." The penalties for plagiarism are severe. They include warning or reprimand, grade adjustment, probation, suspension, expulsion, withholding of transcripts, and denial or revocation of degrees.

Course Fees

Instructors that utilize course fees should identify the amount and explain the purpose of the course fee on the top half of the first page of the syllabus. Course fees are listed in the catalog.

Grievance Process

Students who feel they have been unfairly treated may file a grievance through the channels and procedures described in the Academic Grievances section of the Course Catalog.

Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct

USU strives to provide an environment for students and employees that is free from discrimination and sexual misconduct. If you experience sexual misconduct or discrimination at any point during the semester inside or outside of class, you are encouraged to contact the USU Title IX Coordinator via Old Main room 161 in Logan, 435-797-1266,, or at You can learn more about the USU resources available for individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct at Resources for individuals who have experienced discrimination are listed at

Required Reporting of Sexual Misconduct

USU cares about our students and provides a number of resources and supportive measures to students who may be experiencing thoughts of self-harm or who have experienced sexual misconduct. To ensure students are informed about resources and services available to them, including available grievance or criminal processes for incidents of sexual misconduct, USU has implemented reporting policies and practices that require designated employees to report any information they receive about incidents of sexual misconduct. This reporting policy also assists USU with its efforts to prevent sexual misconduct and keep our campus community safe. 

Under USU’s sexual misconduct reporting policy, I am designated as a "reporting employee." This means that if you share information with me about incidents of sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, or sex-based stalking), including within a course assignment, , I will report that information to the USU Title IX Coordinator. I will also share with you information about designated confidential resourcessupportive measures, and how you can file a report with the USU Title IX Coordinator.

Self-disclosures about sexual misconduct that you experienced are not required for your course work.

Similarly, if you disclose thoughts of harm to self or a threat to others to me, including within a course assignment, I will report the information to the appropriate campus administrators. I will also share with you information about the mental health and wellness resources available to you. 

Students with Disabilities

USU welcomes students with disabilities. If you have, or suspect you may have, a physical, mental health, or learning disability that may require accommodations in this course, please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) as early in the semester as possible (University Inn # 101, 435‐797‐2444, All disability related accommodations must be approved by the DRC. Once approved, the DRC will coordinate with faculty to provide accommodations.

Withdrawal Policy, "I" Grade Policy and Dropping Courses

If a student does not attend a class during the first week of the term or by the second class meeting, whichever comes first, the instructor may submit a request to have the student dropped from the course. (This does not remove responsibility from the student to drop courses which they do not plan to attend.) Students who are dropped from courses will be notified by the Registrar’s Office through their preferred e-mail account.

Students may drop courses without notation on the permanent record through the first 20 percent of the class. If a student drops a course following the first 20 percent of the class, a W will be permanently affixed to the student’s record (check General Catalog for exact dates).

Students with extenuating circumstances should refer to the policy regarding Complete Withdrawal from the University and the Incomplete (I) Grade policy in the General Catalog.

No-Test Days Policy

For classes that meet for a full semester, a five-day period designated as "no-test" days precedes final examinations. During this time, no major examinations, including final examinations will be given in order that students may concentrate on classwork, the completion of special assignments, writing projects, and other preparation for duly scheduled final examinations. Approved exceptions include final papers, weekly chapter quizzes, quizzes, projects, and examinations associated with a lab that does not meet during final examinations. This policy does not apply to classes that meet only during the second 7-week session of the semester or to classes offered during the summer term. Complete information related to Final Examination Policies can be reviewed in the General Catalog.

Assumption of Risk

All classes, programs, and extracurricular activities within the University involve some risk, and some involve travel. The University provides opportunities to participate in these programs on a voluntary basis. Therefore, students should not participate in them if they do not care to assume the risks. Students can ask the respective program leaders/sponsors about the possible risks a program may generate, and if students are not willing to assume the risks, they should not select that program. By voluntarily participating in classes, programs, and extracurricular activities, students do so at their own risk. General information about University Risk Management policies, insurance coverage, vehicle use policies, and risk management forms can be found at

Food Security

The Student Nutrition Access Center (SNAC) offers free food assistance to all students. Students are welcome to visit the pantry once per calendar week. There are no questions or qualifications required to access this service; you simply need to present your student ID card or A#.

The pantry is committed to supporting student well-being by ensuring access to nutritious food options. For more information, including pantry hours and location, please visit SNAC Food Pantry.

Utilizing the SNAC Food Pantry is a smart way to manage your food needs and stay focused on your academic success.

Mental Health

Mental health is critically important for the success of USU students. As a student, you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities. Utah State University provides free services for students to assist them with addressing these and other concerns. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

Students are also encouraged to download the “SafeUT App” to their smartphones. The SafeUT application is a 24/7 statewide crisis text and tip service that provides real-time crisis intervention to students through texting and a confidential tip program that can help anyone with emotional crises, bullying, relationship problems, mental health, or suicide related issues.

Students Who are Pregnant or Have a Pregnancy-Related Condition

If you need academic accommodations related to pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, recovery, or other pregnancy related conditions, please contact the Office of Equity as early as possible. All accommodations related to pregnancy must be approved by the Office of Equity. The Office of Equity will then coordinate with instructors to provide accommodations.  The University will not exclude a student from participating in any part of an educational program based on the student’s pregnancy or pregnancy related conditions. 

Office of Equity: Distance Education, Room 400, Logan Campus, 435-797-1266, Office of Equity: Pregnancy and Pregnancy Related Conditions

General Health Protocols

The cold, flu, COVID-19, and other illnesses can have an impact on the health of our university community. USU welcomes the wearing of masks in all university buildings and encourages taking measures to mitigate risk as recommended by federal and state public health officials: getting vaccinated, staying home if you are sick, and frequent hand washing.

For more information on syllabus resources, please contact:

Paul J. Barr

Vice Provost

Phone: (435) 797-0718
