Lecturing for Large Classes

Large classes, 40+ students, can be a challenge because it is difficult to get to know students and tailor lessons to their needs. Encourage participation through active learning strategies and try to use one per class period. Active learning strategies might include interactive lecture where students submit or answer questions, topic brainstorming, experiential learning, flipped classroom activities, and creative projects—to name a few. (Misseyanni et al., 2018)

The Berkeley Center for Teaching & Learning (n.d.) suggests identifying clear learning goals, focusing on essential material (key points and general themes, difficult material, examples and illustrations, material of high interest, etc.), analyzing issues or problems, use of active learning, and polling to adjust content.

Consider using some of these engagement strategies:

When seeking questions or comments from a variety of students, you can ask, “Let’s hear from a student wearing something orange.” Or, “Can someone who has four roommates tell us...” This narrows down the potential number of students who could talk while encouraging students who might otherwise feel shy making a comment among the larger group. (Karin deJohng-Kannan, 2002, personal communication; University of Maryland Center for Teaching Excellence, n.d., p. 6)
