Pre-semester Online Checklist

Are you ready to teach online?

Make sure you can check off each item in the list below before you teach your first class.

  • Course Introduction: Write a course introduction that explains how Canvas will be used to facilitate learning.
  • Syllabus: Provide a syllabus that is up to date and reflects the current semester.
  • Navigation: Customize the course navigation  to ensure it is easy to follow.
  • Organization: Organize the course content in a logical way and make sure learning resources are easy to find. For best results, use a template.
  • Links: Check to make sure the course contains no broken links .
  • Objectives: Provide course-level and module-level objectives.
  • Content: Develop and curate content that is sufficient for students to achieve the learning objectives.
  • Assignments/Assessments: Ensure that each week contains at least one learning activity or assessment with detailed instructions on requirements and expectations.
  • Communication: Develop a plan for communicating regularly with your students per the federal guidelines.

Student Resources

Students are expected to participate from a distance and will provide their own computer and network access. A webcam and microphone may be needed for virtually proctored exams and/or video-based assignments. Student tutorials on use and instructions for online course participation are available at