Keeping Records

Guidelines for Retention of Student Exams, Papers, and Grade Books

Under FERPA , exams, papers, and grade books are educational records and should be maintained in a secure location.  The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)* recommends the following retention schedule:

  • Exams/ graded course work: one (1) year after course completion (if the work is not returned to the student)
  • Digital copies of graded assignments, papers, and examinations should be deleted from the Instructor’s computer and/or online storage space (e.g. Box) one (1) year after course completion, unless stored in Canvas.
  • Faculty member’s grade books: five (5) years after course completion

Materials remain in Canvas courses for 3 years after the last day of the semester; all content in a Canvas course is available in read only format to students for 3 years after the last day of the semester.

Any physical document containing personally identifiable information such as names, addresses, social security numbers, grades, drivers license numbers, financial information, etc. regulations for those record types may require that the records be shredded. Shredding records is most effective in guarding against ID theft and protecting the privacy of the individuals whose personal information is contained in the records. Contact your department if you need access to a shredder.