Install KalturaCapture

You can use the Kaltura CaptureSpace tool to record a presentation on your computer and make it available in your Canvas course.

To record a presentation from your computer, follow these steps:


In Canvas, in the global left-navigation menu, click Account

Then, click My Media

find my media by clickin account then my media


Click the Add New dropdown

Then click Desktop Capture

arrow pointing at Add New dropdown button with Desktop Capture highlighted


When Canvas asks you to authorize Kaltura, click Authorize

authorize kaltura popup box


You will be prompted to download and install the Kaltura Capture desktop recorder

Download the version appropriate for your computer (Windows or Mac) and go through the installation process. Repeat steps 2-3.

download kaltura desktop capture for mac or windows


Once prompted to open KalturaCapture, click Open KalturaCapture

(You can check the Always open these types of links in the associated app box to avoid this dialog in the future.)

open kaltura capture pop up box