Captions Canvas Course

Captions are becoming a more frequently used part of video content. Not only are captions important to accessibility, but a study by Verizon Media and Publicis Media found that “80% of consumers say they’re more likely to watch an entire video with captions.” 

Last year, USU implemented a standard requiring captions on videos. While some departments have used a 3rd party captioning vendor to do their work, others have decided to do the work manually. To support this work, we have created a Canvas course with an overview of everything you need to know about captions. 

If you are going to create captions for your videos, this is a great resource to learn the basics of caption quality standards and why this work is so important! 

Three students sitting at a table looking at a laptop screen.

Participation in the Course

This course is free to anyone who has a Canvas account by using the following link: Canvas Captions Course.

The Canvas Captions Course home page with a screenshot from a USU video showing the caption I found my home here at Utah State.

Course Content

This Canvas course includes the following modules:

  1. Accessibility Basics
  2. What are Captions?
  3. Benefits of Captions
  4. Caption Quality Standards

You will have opportunities to demonstrate skills learned throughout the course and practice captioning elements of videos. 

After completing this course, you will be able to caption videos according to quality standards. You will also understand why captions are needed, used, and important to online video content.