Computer Lab Accessibility

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) will work with any student who might need additional accessibility software or hardware placed in a specific lab.

Campus Computer Labs

The Information Technology Computer Labs has general information about all of the computer labs on campus, including the Information Technology labs. More information about lab accessibility is available below.

Several computer labs in a computer lab.

Labs With JAWS on Select Computers

The JAWS screen reader is available on select computers in the following labs on campus:

  • Computer Science Computer Labs
    In the TAR Lab (ESLC 131) JAWS is installed on computers 24, 25, 32 and 33 (two computers on the back row on the left side of the room and two on the back row on the right).
  • Huntsman Computer Labs
    All of the computers in EBB 115 are running JAWS and the other two labs have at least 4 computers running the software that are available for use.

Disability Resource Center Computer Lab

The Disability Resource Center has Assistive Technology labs that include the following accessibility software:

In addition, the DRC has large monitors, video magnifiers, a transformer camera, and handheld video magnifiers.

If you have any questions about a computer lab or assistive technology, please contact us.