Creating Accessible InDesign Content

When creating content in InDesign, such as PDF, HTML, and ePub files, it is important to make sure that content is accessible. There are fantastic resources available online to help you. You can also reach out to Digital Accessibility Services for assistance.

If you are unfamiliar with document accessibility, it could be helpful to begin learning about it by taking WebAIM’s Document Accessibility Course. Many of the principles covered in the course will clarify the instructions linked on this page.

While you can go back and make some edits to old PDFs, it’s much easier to make sure the document is accessible from the start. You can use the resources below to make sure that you’re building an accessible document in InDesign.


  1. Adobe InDesign - Creating Accessible PDFs
  2. InDesign Accessibility from Penn State 
  3. Creating Accessible PDFs With Adobe InDesign CC Video Tutorial (56 minutes)
  4. Creating a More Accessible PDF in Adobe InDesign Video Tutorial (11 minutes)
  5. Web Accessibility for Designers