Cancel a Student's Group Appointment

This guide covers how to cancel a group appointment on behalf of a student (e.g., a student notifies the front office they are sick or are no longer able to make it to their appointment).


Click on the "Student" tab

location of the student tab in Achieve


Search for the student you are canceling the appointment for

Use their A-number, name (last name, first name), or email address to search for the student.
location of the search bar in the student tab


Click "Actions" then "Reservations" to view past and future reservations for the student

location of the Actions and Reservations buttons on a student's profile


Find the group appointment slot that needs to be canceled and select "Cancel Reservation"

example of the Reservations pop up and the location of the Cancel Reservation button


Add a reason as to why the appointment is being canceled then click "Yes"

A cancellation email will be sent to the student confirming the cancelation and providing them with a link to reschedule.
An example of the Cancel Confirmation pop up where the cancel reason is placed and the location of the Yes button to confirm the cancellation.